Source code for pewpew.base

""" The base class for PEWPEW processing. See :doc:`usage`.

from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, TimeoutError, Value
from multiprocessing.queues import Empty, Full
from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta
import logging
import copy

__default_exit_flag__ = Value('b', True)
__fmt__ = "%(levelname)s: %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(process)s - %(message)s"

[docs]class StreamElement(Process): """ Subclass this abstract class for concrete implementation of pewpew processing """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, exit_flag=None, inqueue=None, outqueue=None, **kwargs): """ The base constructor must always be called by the subclass. Parameters: ========== exit_flag: multiprocessing.Value A global exit flag. When set to `False`, will cause all threads to exit gracefully. inqueue: multiprocessing.Queue Data queue for incoming data. outqueue: multiprocessing.Queue Data queue for outgoing data. """ super(StreamElement, self).__init__() self.inqueue = inqueue self.outqueue = outqueue self.config = kwargs self.fail_flag = exit_flag # Signals False if failure has occurred if self.fail_flag is None: self.fail_flag = __default_exit_flag__ self.input_flags = [] # Holds values from inputs to signal chain exit self.exit_flag = Value('b', True) # For forwarding self.timeout = int(kwargs.get("timeout", 120)) self.queuelen = int(kwargs.get("default_queuelen", 10)) self.n_tries = int(kwargs.get("n_tries", 10)) self.debug = bool(kwargs.get('debug', False))
[docs] def signal_exit_on_failure(fn): """Helper decorator which sets appropriate flags when exceptions occur in daughter processes. """ def wrapped(self=None, **kwargs): try: return fn(self, **kwargs) except Exception as e:"signaling exit to all processes") self.log.warning(e) self.fail_flag.value = False raise e return wrapped
[docs] def run(self): """Called by multiprocessing.Process. Executes main event loop for process. """ self.event_loop() msg = "exiting with flags {} {}" self.log.debug(msg.format(self.fail_flag.value, self.exit_flag.value))
def _log_(self): log = logging.getLogger(str(self.__class__).split('\'')[1]) # formatter = logging.Formatter(__fmt__) return log
[docs] @signal_exit_on_failure def get_data(self): """ Gets data from the input Queue. Returns ======= A dict of pickle-able objects. """ if not self.check_input_flags(): self.log.debug("Inputs are finished. Setting timeout to 0.") self.timeout = 0 if self.inqueue is not None: try: return self.inqueue.get(timeout=self.timeout) except (TimeoutError, Empty): if not self.check_input_flags(): self.exit_flag.value = False else: self.fail_flag.value = False return None return {'data': {}, 'meta': {}}
[docs] @signal_exit_on_failure def put_data(self, data): """ Attempts to put data on the queue for the next node. If the data is a list, then it puts the data on the queue one item at a time. Parameters: =========== data : list or dict The data to put on the queue. Note: ===== This function must be called as `self.put_data(data={})`. Where the argument keyword must be used explicitely. """ if not self.valid_data(data): msg = "cannot understand output data type: {}" self.log.warning(msg.format(type(data))) return if self.outqueue is not None: if isinstance(data, list): for i in data: self.put_data(data=i) else: for try_ in range(self.n_tries): success = False try: self.outqueue.put(copy.copy(data), timeout=self.timeout) success = True except (TimeoutError, Full) as e: msg = "Failed putting data in queue: {}".format(e) self.log.warning(msg) if try_ == self.n_tries-1: self.exit_flag.value = False raise e else: self.log.warning("Trying again") if success: break
[docs] def valid_data(self, data): """ Validates whether data is valid for the data stream. Parameters: =========== data : list or dict Input data which must be validated Returns: ======== bool : True if valid data """ if isinstance(data, dict): return True if isinstance(data, list): return True return False
[docs] @signal_exit_on_failure def on_input_completed(self): """ Utility function which wraps the user on_completion function and empties data into stream. """ output = self.on_completion() if self.valid_data(output): self.put_data(data=output)
[docs] @signal_exit_on_failure def event_loop(self): """ Main event loop. This executes the interior logic of the process. Warning: ===== DO NOT OVERWRITE. """ self.log = self._log_() self.on_start() while self.fail_flag.value and self.exit_flag.value: data = self.get_data() if data is None: continue output = self.__process__(data=data) if output is None: continue self.put_data(data=output) msg = 'Exiting Loop with flags\tFail:{}\tExit:{}\tInputs:{}', bool(self.exit_flag.value), bool(self.check_input_flags()))) self.on_input_completed() self.exit_flag.value = False if self.outqueue is not None: self.outqueue.close() if self.inqueue is not None: self.inqueue.close()
[docs] def set_input(self, other): """ Add an input :class:`StreamElement` to this one. Creates a :class:`Queue` between StreamElements in the event there is not an existing one. Parameters: =========== other: :class:`StreamElement` An other Stream Element which will stream queued data into this one. """ if type(other) is list: if self.inqueue is None: self.inqueue = Queue(self.queuelen) for other_element in other: other_element.outqueue = self.inqueue self.input_flags.append(other_element.exit_flag) elif other.outqueue is None: if self.inqueue is None: self.inqueue = Queue(self.queuelen) other.outqueue = self.inqueue self.input_flags.append(other.exit_flag)
[docs] def set_output(self, other): """ Sets `self` as an input :class:`StreamElement` to `other`. Creates a :class:`Queue` between StreamElements in the event there is not an existing one. Parameters: =========== other: :class:`StreamElement` An other Stream Element which will stream queued data from this one. """ if type(other) is list: if self.outqueue is None: self.outqueue = Queue(self.queuelen) for other_element in other: other_element.inqueue = self.outqueue other_element.input_flags.append(self.exit_flag) elif other.inqueue is None: if self.outqueue is None: self.outqueue = Queue(self.queuelen) other.inqueue = self.outqueue other.input_flags.append(self.exit_flag)
[docs] def check_input_flags(self): """ Checks to see if the inputs have exited or not. Useful as the exiting condition is the Queue is empty and the inputs have all finished. Returns: ======== bool: True if at least one input is OK. """ if len(self.input_flags) == 0: return True ret = False for flag in self.input_flags: ret |= flag.value return ret
@signal_exit_on_failure def __process__(self, data): """ Wrapper function for :meth:`StreamElement.process`. Warning: ======== DO NOT OVERRIDE """ return self.process(data=data)
[docs] @abstractmethod def process(self, data): """ Abstract method. Implement this for the primary action this process will take on `data` Parameters: =========== data: list or dict or None Input data to be acted on. Primary data generators can accept None as an input, and produce data. Returns: ======== dict or list: Data to be processed downstream. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def on_start(self): """ Override this method to perform an action at the process' beginning of execution. """ self.log.debug("starting")
[docs] def on_completion(self): """ Override this method to perform an action at the process' end of execution. """ self.log.debug("completing")
[docs]def exit_flag(): """ Convenience function for creating the exit flag data type instance. """ return Value('b', True)